Conference Pears
Conference Pears are a sweet and juicy pear and the most popular pear grown in Britain in commercial orchards and domestic gardens. The fruits have a distinctive long tapering shape and are a medium sized, yellow-green colour with a browny russet colour over parts of the fruit. Conference Pears produce very good, reliable crops. They are also self-fertile, which means there is no need for another pear to be used as a pollinator. We would normally start picking in September by trained pickers under strict orchard management. They are then cooled/stored before being packed mainly for major supermarkets.

Comice Pears
Comice Pears are large, round pears with a short, stubby neck. The skin can be yellow with tinges of green, or green with red blush or just red. Comice Pears have some russet speckles, they are creamy-white with a soft texture and somewhat less gritty than other pears. These pears are highly juicy and will give off a good, noticeable fragrance. Comice Pears can grow quite large, so they are often used in gift baskets and are suitable for cooking.

Victoria Plums
Victoria Plums are the best known and most popular plums grown in Britain. These plums are a pale red fruit usually picked in mid August. Victoria Plums are a versatile plum which can be used for eating, cooking and for jams.

Marjorie Plums
Marjorie Plums are a large oval shaped purple fruit becoming blue/black when ripe. The flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy, quite coarse and noticeably veined with a good flavour. Marjorie Plums are usually picked in late September.

Gala Apples
Gala Apples are grown all around the world and is one of the most popular grown varieties in the UK. These fruits are a superb dessert apple and excellent for both eating and baking. Galas are yellow/gold with pink to red stripes, firm with a smooth skin and juicy but crisp to eat. We start to pick Gala Apples in mid September and can be stored well until February the following year under modern storage conditions.
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